Erin, Ross St, Trail parking lot

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1-3 Ross St
N0B 1T0

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Drive to the east end end of Ross st.
At the corner where the road bends south you will turn left into the trailhead parking lot.

Meet Point info :  Trail Parking lot. North end of Erin, at the east end of Ross St, which is just off Hwy 24 (aka Main st)

<Link to Google Map>

It is an hour drive from 401/427 .
1. 410 North for approx 45 km. .
2. Left turn (west) at regional Rd 24 ( aka Charleston side road.)
3. West on 24 for approx 10km till the road bends to the left (south)
4. Ross St is approx 1 km past the bend on the left.
5. Parking appox 80 meters along on the left at the end of Ross.



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